You might not think Ohio is a great place to grow vegetables due to the harsh and cold winters, but you would be wrong! Ohio is actually a great place to grow vegetables with a growing season that is long enough to allow for a variety of veggies. You might not realize this, but vegetables like onions and lettuce can actually germinate in temperatures as low as 35 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are ready to get started with your vegetable garden this year, keep reading to learn more about the best vegetables to grow in Ohio!
Tomatoes are a good plant to grow in Ohio and often seen as a garden staple. You can start tomatoes from seed inside and then transplant them into the garden in the spring. The best time is the middle of May, once the frost has passed. When transplanting tomatoes, plant them deep so the first leaves are touching the soil. Keep in mind that tomatoes require full sun, so choosing their location is important. Cherry tomatoes are a good option for beginners because they are easier to grow than other varieties.
Another good vegetable for the Ohio climate is carrots. For Northeast Ohio, the Red Cored Chantenay is a good option because it can withstand the tough clay soil. These can be planted anytime from April to August, and you can also expect them to pop back up after winter for a spring treat!
If you want to start a vegetable garden in Ohio, peppers are a great addition. Both sweet bell peppers and hot peppers are easy to grow in Ohio’s climate. These vegetables typically have few problems and will thrive in warmer temperatures.
Cucumbers and Zucchini
Cucumbers and zucchini are also great additions to a vegetable garden. While there is a slight worry of cucumber beetles ruining your crop, if you can get past that issue, you will have more cucumbers than you know what to do with! Both cucumbers and zucchinis are easy to start from seeds planted directly in the garden, but you should avoid spraying any pesticides on them as it might kill the plants. When planting zucchinis, go with the all-female variety as they don’t need to be pollinated by insects to produce.
Another good addition to your vegetable garden in Ohio is asparagus. This is a perennial vegetable that is planted by the roots and can actually produce for decades. It’s a one and done planting process, which means it should really have its own patch to keep the asparagus from migrating into the other plants over the years. Weeds will be your main challenge with asparagus, but with weekly weeding, you can keep the issue at bay. If you’re worried about drought, don’t be as asparagus is drought-tough and low maintenance.
Lettuce and Kale
Lettuce and kale are two leafy greens that flourish in Ohio. Lettuce is great to plant in early spring directly from seed, and you can expect it to produce into fall. Your main enemy with lettuce will be rabbits and other rodents, so be sure to plant it in a fenced-off area.
Kale is also fairly easy to grow, but Red Russian Kale is the heartiest version for Ohio. Just keep an eye out for green worms as they can quickly eat through your crops before you’re able to harvest it if not treated properly.
Beans and Peas
Beans and peas can also be grown in Ohio. These are extremely easy to grow once the spring frosts are over and can even help improve your soil due to their high nitrogen content. Beans produce quickly—in as little as 60 days—and can be planted anytime from early spring to the beginning of August. However, rabbits and groundhogs love beans and peas, so be sure to use a fence to keep critters at bay.
Onions are another good vegetable to grow in Ohio. You can use them as green onions or full onions if you are willing to wait longer. If you choose a perennial onion, they will come back year after year, which saves you from doing some extra work! The great thing about onions is that they are mammal resistant, so if you have lots of critters in your yard, you don’t have to be worried about them getting eaten. Onions can be planted as early as March or April, but you can also plant them all the way into the fall.
What You Need to Know Before Getting Started
When starting a vegetable garden, it is important to have a plan in place. You should sketch a simple design to determine what crops will grow best in which areas and to ensure that you have adequate space for the vegetable seeds and/or transplants that you are going to purchase. Be sure to account for walking paths if you are growing in rows and make sure there is adequate fencing to keep the critters out. Also, pay special attention to plants that need upward growth, and utilize trellises or fences whenever possible.
Visit Kurtz Bros., Inc. today to pick out your vegetable garden supplies!
If you want to start up a vegetable garden or even just try your hand at a small potted vegetable plant, Kurtz Bros., Inc. can help! We sell all of the gardening tools and supplies that you need to create the vegetable garden of your dreams. From soils and soil additives to fertilizers, shovels, and more, Kurtz Bros., Inc. has exactly what you need. Plus, our skilled in-store team has the knowledge and experience necessary to help ensure that you get the right tools and supplies for the job. To learn more, stop by one of our stores or contact us today!