Kurtz Bros Landscaping Blog

What Are the Best Trees to Grow in Ohio?

Written by Kurtz Bros. | Oct 22, 2020 12:00:00 PM

Are you looking for a little more shade in your backyard? Do you want to block out the view of your neighbor’s house? If so, trees are a great way to do so. However, you need to keep in mind your habitat and climate zone when selecting trees to plant in order for them to have a chance to grow successfully. If you are wondering what the best trees to grow in Ohio are, Kurtz Bros., Inc. is here to help!

 What You Need to Know Before Getting Started

Buying and planting a tree that is able to thrive in Ohio does not mean that it will. There are many factors that need to be considered when selecting trees and choosing where to plant them. You will need to know your soil pH level and texture and ensure that it is compatible with what you would like to plant. You also need to consider water availability, how much sun the area gets, seed dispersal, and growing habits. Remember that trees will essentially keep growing for their entire lifetime, so you need to be sure that you plant them in the right area, keeping in mind how tall and wide they will grow.

 With that being said, keep reading for a list of the best trees to grow in Ohio!

 Red & White Oak

Red Oak trees are a great option for Ohio. These trees have a reddish-orange color that will add vibrant color to boost any landscape. Plus, they are a great source of shade. These locally native trees like full sun and acidic soils. They can typically grow between 50 to 60 feet and thrive in USDA Zones 3 to 8.

 Crabapple Tree

Another great option for a tree to plant in Ohio is a Crabapple Tree. These trees are extremely easy to grow and are very beautiful when they bloom. During the spring, you can expect to be treated to a stunning flower show with a Crabapple tree. Just keep in mind that these trees need to be planted in well-drained soil because they will struggle in wet soil. They also need good air circulation and sun exposure because the leaves need to stay dry. If the leaves remain wet, it can cause disease and the tree may die.

 Pagoda Dogwood Tree

The Pagoda Dogwood Tree is also a native of the Midwest. This tree thrives in full or partial sun exposure and boasts beautiful purple foliage during the fall months. You will also be treated to a pleasant aroma when the tree sprouts white blossoms in the fall. Keep in mind that this tree should not be planted by the roadside as it is adversely affected by car pollution.

 Japanese Maple Tree

For a truly stunning ornamental tree in Ohio, the Japanese Maple is a favorite. This tree boasts a beautiful array of red during the spring that eventually transitions to a deep purple during the fall. This tree does require some pruning to maintain its form, so there is some maintenance required. It is best with minimal sunlight and light shade. You should also try to plant it in well-drained soil.

 Red Maple

The Red Maple is another tree that naturally occurs in Central and Eastern North America. This quickly growing maple tree can grow to between 40 and 70 feet in height and approximately 30 to 50 feet in width. You will need slightly acidic soil and to plant the tree in a partially shady to full sun location in order for the tree to thrive. This cold-tolerant tree is great as a street or lawn tree and will offer some good shade once it reaches maturity.

 River Birch

The River Birch tree is another tree that grows quickly. It will reach between 40 and 70 feet in height with a similar spread in width. This tree is great in USDA Zones 4 through 9 and features non-showy flowers in the spring. This tree does best in wet, acidic soil and will need a full sun to part shade location. While they can be planted anywhere as long as the soil accommodates, Ohio gardeners typically use them near ponds and streams.


Juniper trees are spread all across the northern hemisphere and do well in Ohio. This evergreen can range from low growth shrubs to medium-sized trees and provide year-round coverage for birds. This is a benefit to bird lovers that want birds to flock to their feeders year-round. There are many types of Juniper, so it’s best to check with your local nursery to determine which type is best for your home and yard.


If you are looking for the best trees for your Ohio yard, the Cypress tree is another quality option. This tree thrives in saturated soils and will need full sun. They can grow between 50 and 70 feet in height and are hearty trees that can stand up to harsh Ohio winters. These trees will give you a beautiful array of red foliage during the fall, which will add beauty to any yard.

 Visit Kurtz Bros., Inc. today to pick out your landscape supplies!

If you are ready to start planting some trees in your Ohio yard today, Kurtz Bros., Inc. is here to help! We have all the tools you need to start your planting project. From soil and fertilizer to shovels and gloves, we have everything you need to successfully plant trees. Plus, our knowledgeable staff is available to help out with any questions you might have. Stop into one of our stores today or contact us to learn more!