Kurtz Bros Landscaping Blog

How to Build a Vertical Garden

Written by Kurtz Bros. | May 13, 2022 6:55:05 PM

Building a vertical garden may seem like a simple, straightforward process. However, there are many different features to consider. Luckily, Kurtz Bros., Inc. will guide you through the process of making the most elegant vertical garden. Consider the following steps to achieve a beautiful new feature for your home or garden.

The Wall for Your Vertical Garden

First and foremost, you will have to choose a wall. Depending on its size, you may need to determine how much weight your wall can support before you start. When choosing a wall, you have to keep in mind what kind of foliage you would like to hang. We recommend a wall that has good growing conditions; for example, how much sunlight your wall receives.

The Base of Your Vertical Garden

To start your frame, create a basic structure for your vertical garden wall. You will create a three-layer sandwich made of frame, plastic sheeting, and fabric. We recommend building the whole setup before hanging it. While you can attach it directly to a wall, we recommend building a frame to hang on the wall, so it's faster and easier to take down. We suggest using a PVC pipe for your frame, because wood can rot and metal may be too heavy on the wall.

Next, you will want to attach a sheet of plastic to the frame. The plastic acts as a backing for the fabric layer. Plus, it keeps the water off the wall and onto the plants. Then, attach at least two layers of fabric to the frame. This is the material in which your plants will live and will hold water for them. You don’t have to use fabric if you don’t want to, just use anything that will retain water without rotting. As long as the fabric is secure with no buckling or wrinkles, you may use any material to hold the fabric in place.

Irrigation System

You will then need to install an irrigation system to keep your plants healthy. A tube across the top of your panel with emitters that drip water down can serve as an irrigation system. To determine how much water the plants need, consider the plant type, the amount of sunlight, and the temperature around the wall.

Designing Your Vertical Garden

Now comes the fun part. Get artistic with your wall designs and let your personality shine through your vertical garden. You can utilize so many different heights, widths, and structures to make your design unique. The higher you build it, the greater the appeal may be. Don’t be afraid to add lots of colorful flowers to make your vertical garden stand out.

Hanging your Vertical Garden Frame

To hang your frame to the wall you will need the right kind of material depending on your preferences. Hooks are great if you think you'll want to remove the frame. otherwise, brackets that screw into the wall and the frame will also work.

Keeping Your Plants Healthy

Fertilizing your plants is one of the best ways to keep them healthy. Liquid fertilizer may be a great option for your vertical garden. Integrate it into your irrigation system before connecting it to the water source. Also, make sure to take your frame down in extreme weather situations. Store your plants somewhere dry at room temperature.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions we do answer, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our helpful staff would love to help with all your landscaping needs. Don’t forget to browse our wide selection of landscaping products.